DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society is proud to be a bronze sponsor of Surrey’s National Indigenous Peoples Day Virtual Celebration.
Tune in to FRAFCA Facebook Live and FRAFCA YouTube Live, on June 21 for Surrey’s National Indigenous Peoples Day Virtual Celebration:
Kids Show: 11–11:30 am
Main Event: 6–7:30 pm
Hosted by the Local Land Based Nations, Semiahmoo, Kwantlen and Katzie First Nations, Surrey’s National Indigenous Peoples Day is an opportunity to acknowledge and show respect and admiration for Indigenous Peoples past, present and future; to share cultural history; and to share spirit, experiences, stories, song, art and dance with each other and the community.
The virtual broadcast will include cultural sharing from Semiahmoo, Kwantlen, Katzie First Nations, and Nova Métis with teachings and practice through art, music, storytelling and dance.
Highlights include:
- The Wild Moccasin Dancers, (Shyama-Priya and David Whitebean)
- Stars of the North Drum Group, (LaDonna Wiks-Joseph name by Wata)
- XiQuelem, (Eugene Harry)
- Brown Bear Woman, (Candace Hill Trevena)
- JB the First Lady, (Jerilynn Webster)
- Métis Jigging (Madelaine McCallum)
- And More!