Our Services

Programs for Refugees

Programs for Refugees

DIVERSEcity offers programs and services to help refugees (individuals, youth and families) settle in their new homes and community. Through one-on-one support or group workshops and activities, you can explore:

  • Connecting with local communities
  • Cultural orientation and adjustment counselling
  • Assistance in accessing and navigating the Canadian health care and other systems
  • Support in finding housing, employment, enrolling in English classes, school enrolment and more
  • Referrals to other community services such as mental health services, housing providers, employment services and others
  • Learn about parenting, meet other parents who share and understand the experience in a new country, and get the support you and your children need to succeed in the community and school
  • Access emergency funding support

Learn more about the programs for refugee families:

Refugee Readiness Teams

DIVERSEcity was the convener of the South Fraser and Cariboo North Refugee Readiness Teams in BC to support stakeholders working with refugees from around the world as well as displaced Ukrainians.