
Anti-racism Information and Resources


An anti-racism information campaign by DIVERSEcity

As a champion of diversity and inclusion, and an organization working toward fully refining our values as an anti-racist organization, DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society encourages everyone to educate themselves about racism and other people’s lived experiences and perspectives. However, not everyone is at the same stage of understanding. To help spread information and awareness, we have launched an anti-racism information social media campaign. There is so much work to be done, but every small step in combating hatred or misinformation can help make a positive difference. Learning to be anti-racist is an evolving journey. For us at DIVERSEcity, it’s about continuous learning and growth.

Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn (@diversecitybc) to read DIVERSEcity posts and posts that we share, or check back here to see an archive of our content, with links to additional resources. Please note that each post we’ve created is based on the best information and research available to us at the time.

What’s a microagression?

Published August 10, 2020

A microaggression is an everyday, subtle comment or behaviour that displays prejudice toward a racialized group. Classifying someone’s identity based on their appearance or language can reinforce stereotypes and cause pain. It’s a form of discrimination, even if you didn’t mean it to be. More recently, it’s best to just call it what it is – an act of racism.

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Understanding Indigenous word origins 

Published August 18, 2020

Do you use words like “pow wow” or “chief” in business or personal settings? Using words that are meaningful to Indigenous culture in this casual way takes away from the importance of the words. For example, a pow wow is a a ceremonial celebration of cultural pride for First Nations.

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I’m just kidding!

Published August 21, 2020

Making a joke at the expense of someone else’s faith, culture or life experience isn’t funny. It can spread racist ideas, even if that wasn’t your intention. Just because you think you’re “just kidding,” doesn’t mean the words don’t hurt.

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What is colourism?

Published September 3, 2020

Colourism is a sub-category within racism. It occurs when someone with a lighter skin tone is treated better or preferred over someone of the same race with darker features. It is most common within a race, rather than between two different races.

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Embrace your accent

Published September 8, 2020

Sometimes the fear of being different can stop us from making new connections or sharing our ideas. We have to move past this fear and remember that our life experiences make us who we are. It is a strength to speak multiple languages, not a weakness.

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How to be a good ally

Published September 15, 2020

What’s an “ally”? There are many ways to be an ally in the anti-racism and other movements, even if you have never felt oppressed firsthand. In brief terms, being an ally is about making the effort to listen, learn and stand up for marginalized groups.

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Why being “colourblind” to race is unhelpful 

Published October 5, 2020

Seeing someone’s colour or race doesn’t mean you are racist. It means that you acknowledge their lived experiences, identity and the discrimination they face. When working toward true equality, we must embrace one another’s differences — not omit them.

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Evolving language

Published October 21, 2020

Did you know that terms like “gyp,” “long time no see” and “peanut gallery” have racist origins? Ever wonder why a word commonly said a generation or two ago is no longer acceptable today? Language needs to evolve as society evolves because the words we use reflect and reinforce our beliefs and attitudes. So, no, using a word or racial slur from the past that’s now considered offensive is not “just a word.”  Using it makes a statement of who you are and what you believe.

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Canadian experience

Published November 20, 2020

Are you a skilled immigrant who has heard “Sorry, you don’t have Canadian experience” as a reason for not getting the job? Do you think it’s fair? Is it a form of systemic racism?

According to the Ontario Human Rights Code, “In some cases, requiring applicants to have Canadian experience may be disguised discrimination, and a way to screen out newcomers from the hiring process.”

Employers in Canada may not want to risk hiring someone who doesn’t have an understanding of Canadian business practices. But this blanket excuse for screening out newcomers can also be just that — an excuse. This can lead to employers missing out on the innovation that newcomers can bring.

For the newcomer, it’s a barrier  they can tackle through strategies like volunteering, networking and training. But isn’t it also time for employers to see this excuse for what it is?

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Published November 26, 2020

When someone says they are “not racist,” they may be in denial about their own prejudices and the way they benefit from racism. In order to fight racism and move issues of equality forward, we have to admit that we have racist ideas and behaviours, be vulnerable and actively become anti-racist in everything we do and say.

Here is a summary of some of the tips to help you get started on your anti-racism journey:

  • Learn to identify and recognize your own privilege and the role it plays in your everyday life.
  • Have discussions with your family and friends about race and how it affects their lives.
  • Listen and believe people of colour when they talk about their experience with racism.
  • Educate yourself on anti-racism and systemic racism by reading books and articles, watching movies and TV shows, signing up for an anti-racism training or workshops.
  • Speak up in your workplace and help develop anti-racist work policies.
  • Support local and national organizations fighting racism.
  • Vote to dismantle systemic racism in your government and institutions.
  • Be prepared to make mistakes, apologies when you do and learn from your mistakes.

Check out the articles and resources below to learn more about this topic

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Be an ally, not a bystander

Published January 6, 2021

It is normal to want to avoid stressful, awkward or even aggressive situations. That being said, sometimes doing the right thing is hard.

If you have the power and privilege to help someone else, you should do so. If everyone looks away, there is no one left to help. You do not have to confront the aggressor. Go sit by the person in need. Share some kind words. Let them know they are not alone. If it isn’t safe to step in, record it. You can also report it to the police. Make sure the whole incident does not get ignored. To learn more about refusing to be a bystander, please see the resources below.

Additional Resources

Have you experienced a hate crime?

Published February 11, 2021

Every British Columbian has the right to feel safe. We all have a right to participate and belong in our community.

To learn more about what hate crimes are and what you can do if you are victim to a hate crime, information is available in several languages, including the following videos in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Japanese here.

If you wish to contact victim services, call VictimLink BC at 1-800-563-0808, a toll-free, BC-wide telephone help line, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week providing information and referral services to all victims of crime, and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence.

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An increase in anti-Asian hate crimes

Published March 3, 2021

The increasing rate of hate crimes, especially against the Asian community, is unacceptable. We as a society have to work together to ensure that every British Columbia receives compassion and respect.

For tips and resources on how to stand against hate crimes, visit the links below.

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Racialized Wage Gap

Published March 19, 2021

Did you know there is a wage gap for racialized Canadians?  According to the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Canadian Labour Congress, racialized Canadians earn 81 cents to the dollar compared to other Canadians.

But, when looking at different studies, that number fluctuates. For example, racialized women earn less for every dollar earned by white men than racialized men. And racialized first-generation immigrants earn less than second-generation.

For more information on these stats and the systemic reasons for this inequity, visit the links below.

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A Continuous Journey

It’s been almost a year since the death of George Floyd and an anti-racism movement that has touched all corners of the globe. It has inspired challenging conversations, some uncomfortable self-reflection and hopefully progress toward equality for all.

At the same time, we’ve unfortunately seen hate crimes increase during this pandemic, particularly against the Asian community.

There is still so much to be done. History to learn. Biases to unlearn. Voices to hear. Experiences to share.

As a registered charity that supports diverse and vulnerable communities in Canada, we at DIVERSEcity keep learning and evolving as we work toward fully refining our values as an anti-racist organization.

As the work to end racism in Canada and the world continues, let’s keep listening, learning and evolving.

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If you would like us to share anti-racism resources here, please email