Our Services

It Happens Here Too… Sexual Assault Response Coordination Program

It Happens Here Too…

Sexual Assault Response Coordination Program for immigrant, refugee, ethnocultural and racialized women

Fill out our Referral Form

There are gaps in service for immigrant, refugee, ethnocultural and racialized (IRER) women when accessing sexual assault response services. It Happens Here Too… is a program that was borne out of the need to address those gaps.

With trauma-informed, human-centered and culturally responsive approaches, this program provides coordination of care to ensure seamless access to resources to support healing from violence.  These resources include:

  • Information and orientation services
  • Help with system navigation
  • Advocacy and outreach
  • Accompaniments while partnering with existing sexual assault response programs

With the help of this program, you will:

  • Get one-on-one support including practical supports, accompaniments, information and referrals
  • Create better safety around you as you move forward in your healing journey

Who’s eligible?

  • Self-identified newcomer woman 19 years old or more residing in Surrey and surrounding areas

Register for help at DIVERSEcity

Our services are free, compassionate, culturally informed and confidential, and available in several languages. To learn more or register, please call 604-547-1202, email intake@dcrs.ca or fill out our online referral form.

Funding by:

Building Capacity for Other Organizations

DIVERSEcity's It Happens Here Too... program also offers support to other settlement-based organizations interested in building their capacity to better respond to disclosure of sexual violence. We can help your organization better support and foster safe disclosure of sexual assault and provide trauma-informed service provision within scope of service for survivors' adjustment and recovery.